
Shareholder Services

NIMA Corporation offers programs to support shareholders, including financial assistance for burial expenses, medical emergencies, and educational scholarships.

NIMA Corporation is committed to supporting our shareholders and their descendants. We offer a range of programs and services designed to provide assistance and opportunity.

Shareholder Assistance

We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise. To help, NIMA Corporation provides financial assistance to shareholders and their descendants for:

  • Burial Assistance: Help with funeral expenses in times of loss.

Additional Resources

  • Anchorage Residents: For burial assistance, contact the General Assistance Program at Cook Inlet Tribal Council: (907) 265-5911
  • Alaska Residents (outside Anchorage): Contact the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Social Services in Juneau: 1 (800) 645-8397
  • Outside Alaska: Contact your local BIA office for assistance.
  • Mekoryuk IRA: The Mekoryuk IRA also provides burial assistance. Contact their office at (907) 827-8827 for more information.
    • Download BIA Burial Assistance guidelines through the Mekoryuk IRA: [Insert Link to Downloadable Guidelines Here]

Other Shareholder Services

  • Scholarship Program: NIMA Corporation offers scholarships to eligible shareholders and their descendants pursuing higher education.
  • Shareholder Forms: Access important forms and applications, such as address updates and stock transfer requests.
  • FAQs: Find answers to commonly asked questions about NIMA Corporation stock and shareholder services.

We are here to support you.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact Information

Anchorage Office
236 W. 10th Avenue Ste. 100 Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 563-1566
Fax: (907) 563-1567

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